Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The Hero's Journey- Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell was a American scholar who was born in New York in 1904 and later died in 1987. He wrote a book called "The hero with a thousand faces". The hero journey is a narrative pattern that is shown in storytelling, myths is about the archetype known as the hero, the one who achieves great things, one who goes on a adventure. 

The stages are:

1.        THE ORDINARY WORLD - The hero is introduced to a different world that is alien to them.

2.     THE CALL TO ADVENTURE-  The hero has a problem or challenge that needs to be addressed. Maybe a character is not who they seem, was shown as good but they were causing problems to this new land.

3.     REFUSAL OF THE CALL -  The hero has a fear of the unknown, wants to turn from the adventure.

4.     MEETING WITH THE MENTOR - The hero meets a wise character, gives the hero advice and wisdom. 

5.     CROSSING THE THRESHOLD - The hero enters this alien world and sets of on the real adventure, it begins. 

6.        TESTS, ALLIES AND ENEMIES - The hero makes allies in the alien world, may have to pass certain tests to gain trust and even gain training.

7.     APPROACH - The hero comes to a very dangerous place in this new alien world, this is where the objective or treasures of the quest is hidden. Gaining treasure, retrieving something important etc...

8.     THE ORDEAL - The hero may face his or her death, greatest fear. death comes new life.

9.     THE REWARD - The hero gains the objectives, treasure etc... but there is a danger of losing the new belonging. 

10.  THE ROAD BACK - The hero leaving the alien world with the treasure etc... and bringing it home, this may still bring cause for concern as a chase or danger can be lurking. 

11.   THE RESURRECTION - The hero is tested once more, could be a moment of death and rebirth at a different level. The hero actions cause resolve.

12.   RETURN WITH THE ELIXIR - The hero returns home with the treasure etc...Power to the world or the hero is transformed.


Hero's journey- Joseph campbell's. 1990. Hero's Journey . [ONLINE] Available at:'s_journey.htm. [Accessed 07 October

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